Thursday, 27 March 2014

4 months in!!

So I'm now into my fourth month of topical steroid withdrawal. And right now, I am so incredibly itchy!! My skin is pretty much the same as it was last month, dry and pigmented, but the itchyness is definately new. I have never been so itchy in my life!! I cannot write a full sentence without having to pause and give my skin (specifically around the jawline at the moment...) a good rub with a face towel. My face isn't that flaky or anything but the itchyness... oh my god, is at an all time high. Maybe I'm flaring right now, I can't really tell... I feel like I've been more or less in a flare the whole time. Sigh.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Using make up...

Today was the first day I tried to use make up to hide the rashes on my face. (see pic) Not a good idea, it made my skin uber itchy and it looks very cakey. I just really want to look normal! I'm so done with being housebound but the thought of leaving the house with my face so rashy and pigmented makes me panic. Heart thumping dizzying panic.  Although make up somewhat hides pigmentation,  it also exaggerates the dryness of my face so... It's not really ideal, I rather be comfortable.

I may have to go back to work in April and I don't know if I could handle it. Sigh. I wish I was badass enough to not give an eff about how I look.... But alas.